Food Safety Certification Is Essential

Food safety course

Food borne illness are very serious and they can have very serious implications on an individual’s health. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that every year in the U.S., 48 million people become ill from a foodborne illness; 128,000 of those are hospitalized, and 3,000 die. In 2011, there were 5,461,731 cases of foodborne norovirus in the United States; 14,663 of those required hospitalization. When it comes to perishable foods, “the danger zone” refers to temperatures between 40 °F and 140 °F, the range in which harmful bacteria multiply the fastest. Therefore, Temperature control is one of the most important ways a restaurant can help to ensure the safety of its food.

Following proper procedures for handling food is crucial in the restaurant industry, where food and sanitation are incredibly important. Restaurant food safety is especially essential. If you are in the restaurant industry, you will want to make sure that employees’ are properly trained. This includes food safety certification through a food and hygiene course. There are some companies that offer online food safety courses and food safety certification, such as a food and hygiene course, for the restaurant industry. Some have fully functional dashboards that monitors all food safety sanitation training activity, allowing you to track employee progress and scores, manage training procedures, account for all credits and training expenses, print completion certificates, provide seamless access to a library of resources, and furnish access to a PR kit and tools in conjunction with support programs. Overall, food safety is essential in the food service industry. Ensure that your employees are properly trained and have taken a food safety certification course.

Restaurant Food Safety Is Essential

Food protection certificate

Food borne illness are very serious and they can have very serious implications on an individual’s health. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that every year in the U.S., 48 million people become ill from a foodborne illness; 128,000 of those are hospitalized, and 3,000 die. There are several things you can do to improve food safety. First of all, in order to prevent foodborne illnesses, waash your hands with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds, both before and after handling food, and after using the bathroom. Also keep in mind that contrary to popular belief, microwaving food does not kill any bacteria that may be present in the food.

Following proper procedures for handling food is crucial in the restaurant industry, where food and sanitation are incredibly important. In fact, seventy percent of food borne illnesses result from eating meals prepared outside of the home. If you are in the restaurant industry, you will want to make sure that employees’ are properly trained. This includes a food handling certificate through a food and hygiene course. There are some companies that offer online food safety courses and food handling certificate, such as a food and hygiene course, for the restaurant industry. Overall, food safety, especially restaurant food safety, is essential. Ensure that your employees are properly trained and have taken a food handling certificate course.