All kinds of drinks are popular today, from beer to coffee to plain water, but fruit juice is also a popular option. And not only do fruit juices taste great, but they are healthy drinks that offer all sorts of vitamins and nutrients for any consumer. Best of all, fruit juices are non alcoholic and can be consumed by anyone who doesn’t have an allergy to a particular fruit, and juice bar recipes may vary widely. Automatic juicers may be helpful for more busy bars to serve everyone quickly, and a sugarcane juicer may be used too. Commercial fruit juicers may be found at many retailers, and so can sugarcane juicers. Young adults and athletes in particular enjoy fruit juices and mixed drinks, and a sugarcane juicer may help make a drink even sweeter if so desired. When is it time for a sugarcane juicer or another sort of juicer?
Health Benefits of Juice
Fruit juice is a common breakfast feature, but in fact fruit juice can be and often is consumed at all times of the day, such as after an afternoon workout at the gym. There are all kinds of nutrients and vitamins in fruit juice based on the ingredients, and some juices are very helpful hospital patients who need nutrition or gym members who just finished a workout. For example, consider pineapple juice. One cup of unsweetened pineapple juice will have 130 calories, and 33 milligrams (mg) of calcium, not to mention 30 mg of magnesium, all important for the body. Pineapple juice is also known to contain brolelain, a proteolytic enzyme which has anti-inflammatory properties to it. This can be helpful for athletes who are treating sports injuries and reduce swelling and bruising. It should also be noted that the Dietary Guidelines for Americans say that a person should consume several cups of fruits and vegetables every day, but 70% of Americans fall short of that. The good news is that drinks like mixed fruit juices and vegetable smoothies can help with this, and taste great while providing all those nutrients.
Not to say that Americans never eat fruit. In fact, apple and orange juice are commonly consumed in the United States, with orange juice standing as the most popular among Americans in 2015. The average person consumed 23.7 pounds, or 2.7 gallons of such juice, per year. Orange juice is known for its vitamin C, which is known for its healing capabilities. Orange juice, even in just one serving, may satisfy the body’s entire vitamin C need for the entire day. And as for apple juice, Americans consumed around 143 pounds (1.6 gallons) of it per year, on average, and canned and frozen apples also prove popular. But what about drinks?
Making Some Fruit Juice
Fruit juice can be consumed either at a public area, such as a gym’s bar or a hospital cafeteria, or even at home with the help of a commercial fruit juicer. Many Americans like to press juice from fruits either as cooking ingredients or to make juice and smoothies, and blenders can help with this too in some cases. Many department stores may have juice pressers and blenders in their home goods area, and some may have advanced features in them that consumers may like. Meanwhile, a person may find fruit juice bars everywhere, and they often compete well with regular, alcoholic bars in popularity. After all, fruit juice is non alcoholic and is safe for anyone to drink, and a person can have fruit juice in the car with them.
It may not be a surprise to hear that the health-conscious Millennial generation, those born 1982-1995, are particular lovers of fruit juices and bars, and they often expect a little more. In fact, many of these young adults want something with more “pop” than conventional fruit juice flavors and look for for new blends and cocktails for their drinks. A 2016 Trend Insight Report from Fona International found that 40% of such young adults are dissatisfied with regular flavors and want exotic blends. A good fruit juice bar may offer just that, and provide creative mixed and healthy drinks to any patron who visits them.
Francis Pitt
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