Finding the Best Mexican Restaurants in Your Area

Mexican south beach

Many places all over the world have different types of restaurants serving international cuisine, and many big cities, regardless of their location on the globe, have at least one Mexican restaurant. A favorite for many and disliked by few, the colorful dishes and powerful flavor pops of Mexican food have most people coming back for seconds… or thirds!

Finding the best Mexican restaurants in your area

If you are looking to start a heated debate in any given group of individuals, whether they are your coworkers, family members, or fellow passengers on the subway, ask where to find the best Mexican food. Everyone has their favorite that they absolutely swear by and are ready to defend the most loudly. Of course, different people have different tastes and each person could have a different reason behind their choice, but the truly best Mexican restaurants will not only offer a wide variety of options, but also serve authentic dishes, that really bring with them the essence of the actual experience of enjoying a meal in Mexico.

The popularity of Mexican food

One recent look at the prevalence of Mexican restaurants in the United States showed that there were 38,000 Mexican restaurants peppered across the nation. That leaves a lot of room for discussion and debate over which of those are the absolute bet Mexican restaurants. One thing is clear, however, and that is that the popularity of Mexican food has indeed been growing. Salsa now outranks both ketchup and mayonnaise as the most popular condiment, and tortillas have been selling better than hot dog buns for the last few years. This hints at the fact that nearly three quarters of the households across the country cook and eat Mexican food and the ingredients commonly used in the delicious cuisine.

Being the best

There are several types of international restaurants and cuisine available throughout the United States, but with one in 10 restaurants selling Mexican food, the cuisine from our neighbors to the south holds the title for most popular international cuisine in the nation. And that makes the establishments that are commonly referred to as the best Mexican restaurants incredibly popular indeed. While 75% of people indulging in foreign cuisine are seeking new flavors, two thirds are on the hunt for flavors that are bolder, and dishes that are unfamiliar. The best Mexican restaurants know how to deliver each of those!

Know Your Mexican Food — The Difference Between Flour and Corn Tortillas

Call peppers restaurant

In America, one of the most important characteristics is the multicultural fabric of its society and the great things it brings to the table as far as cuisine is concerned. Since there are so many cultures bound together in the same location, the kind of food that is available in America and is consumed on a daily basis by millions of its citizens is interesting to say the least. Influences from multiple kinds of cuisines all over the world make it so exciting to be of food enthusiast in this country, and one of the most important staples when it comes to ethnic cuisine in the country is Mexican food. The best Mexican restaurants in the country serve the best Mexican food that you can find, and if you know how to spot authentic Mexican food, you can embark on a journey that involves exotic spices, a great depth of flavor and aromas, and visual presentation that makes the food even more worth it. One of the things that many people overlook, however, is the nutritional benefits of Mexican food. Not only is it extremely healthy and full of good food value and nutrients, but to the presence of integrated taste and flavors contributes to its appeal.

One of the most important ingredients when it comes to Mexican food is the tortilla. Used in a variety of ways and contributing to a lot of Mexican dishes that we now recognize as staples in the country, the tortilla is something very simple. It is essentially a flat bread, which is created by rolling the dough in a circular shape and then breaking it either in an oven or on the open heat. This creates a very simple, starchy flat bread which can be used with a variety of different ingredients to create amazing Mexican staples that are all well known in this country for their excellent and bold flavors. One of the most important things that decide the kind of tortilla that you end up with is the choice of flour. Tortilla can be made with many different kinds of flour, and the two most commonly used ones are regular flour and corn flour. Indeed, this is the main difference between flour and corn tortillas, and each of them brings something different to the table, and are consequently used in different kinds of recipes and creations.

Let us get more in-depth and explored the difference between flour and corn tortillas, and what each brings to the table in terms of characteristics as ingredients. To start off with, flour tortillas are in general very soft and quite pliable,and have it taste which is extremely neutral with a hint of sweetness. Since they are soft by nature, they are the ideal choice for things like tacos and enchiladas, and you can even use stable wants to create quesadillas. However, due to their soft texture, they are not great for frying. In most cases, they are used in recipes where you really want the feeling or the flavor inside to be the star of the show and the tortilla is just the shell that holds things together.

The other side of the contest in the difference between flour and corn tortillas is the interesting corn tortilla, which is also slightly pliable, but mostly firm. They have a more chewy texture, which makes them an interesting ingredient. The taste is also not as neutral as that of flour tortillas, as the corn flavor shines through. One of the main aspects of the difference between flour and corn tortillas is that corn tortillas are excellent for frying, and you can use them as tortillas chips. It can also be used as a shelf for tacos if you want the shell to be a part of the flavor profile and to contribute to the overall taste of the dish. Both of these are extremely interesting ingredients and can be used creatively in a variety of different ways to bring life to Mexican cuisine.

These are the main points of difference between flour and corn tortillas and you should choose accordingly when cooking great Mexican food.