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Did you know that salsa first originated with the Inca people in the early 16th century? Salsa is the Spanish word for sauce, and it was given its name in 1571. But what is salsa? Most types of salsa are commonly used in Mexican cuisine, and they are tomato-based recipes. There are several kinds of salsa available, and each one is flavorful in its own way.

1. Classic mild salsa dips. Classic salsa dips typically contain only the base ingredients. Tomatoes, onions, and peppers, for example, are commonly found in nearly all classic mild salsa dips. Although adding additional ingredients will change the recipe, classic salsa closely follows the original salsa recipe that was created in the 16th century.

2. Southwestern salsa dips. Southwestern salsa recipes add a unique twist to classic salsa. In addition to the base ingredients, many southwestern salsa recipes add corn and black beans to the salsa. This gives the salsa a distinct flavor that is designed to resemble cuisine that is offered in the Southwestern United States.

3. Pico de gallo salsa dips. Pico de gallo also takes classic salsa and customizes it. Pico de gallo adds ingredients such as lime juice and cilantro to classic salsa in order to make it more unique. Pico de gallo tends to contain less liquid than classic salsa, though, so it is often used as a main ingredient in recipes using salsa, such as fajitas and tacos.

Since its creation in the 16th century, salsa has become a common food to consume. There are many types of salsa available, such as classic mild, southwestern, and pico de gallo. Although each type of salsa has its own unique characteristics, they are all flavorful in their own ways.

The Options for Salsa Are Endless

Fresh salsa

What is salsa? It certainly is a spirited Latin American (specifically Cuban) dance. The dance was coined with the name salsa because that was what the audience chanted in order to get the musicians to spice up and liven their music. What is salsa when we are not talking about the dance floor? For those of us with two left feet, we most often regard salsa as the delicious accoutrement to many Mexican or Latin American recipes.

What is salsa varieties? There are many types of salsa flavors and recipes using salsa. There is, of course, the classic mild salsa dip (which as its name suggest, is tomato based and very mild on the palate), pico de gallo salsa dips (which are fresh, uncooked tomatoes, onions, chiles, cilantro, and lime), and southwestern salsa recipes (which often add corn and beans). Salsa heat varies, of course, according to the types of spices and chiles used. For example, habanero salsa, which uses the spicy habanero pepper, is extremely hot. Conversely, corn salsa, which is often made with a milder poblano or bell pepper, produces less heat. What is salsa with the most heat in the world? Many chile afficionados cite salsas made with the ghost pepper, which can actually burn your skin if it comes in contact with it. In fact, the ghost pepper has a Scoville rating of close to one million. (Scoville is the rating assigned to chiles, and to give you an idea of the Ghost peppers heat, a jalapeno generally earns a Scoville rating of 3,500 to 8,000.)

What is salsa health value? Is it dense with calories and fat? Salsa nutrition varies, but generally it is regarded as a healthy option because fresh salsa calories are very few. In fact, authentic Mexican cuisine is not laden with refried beans and cheese. European and North American influences are more responsible for the calorie rich variations that are so popular today. What is salsa, according to indigenous Latin American people, is a blended recipe of fresh vegetables, fruit, and spices and peppers. What is salsa other than low in calories, fat, and cholesterol? Thanks to its many vegetables and fruit, salsa is also high in vitamin C. On average, a serving has about 15 calories, making it not only a delicious food, but a healthy one, too.